Getting Your Home Ready for Selling

Get the most for your money and concentrate on the areas of highest return in your home –Kitchens, bathrooms, finished basements, special finishes and appliances.
Look for needed repairs to waterproofing, roofing, chimneys; buyers do not want to have to invest big time in their new home. Focus on little things – You can spruce up your home without spending big bucks.
Fresh paint, improved lighting, doors and door handles, and any number of minor improvements will improve buyer appeal. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to improve curb appeal either. Strategically placed plants or bushes and neat lawns or low maintenance landscaping can improve first impressions. Finally, and this is important, don’t borrow on
your credit card to make any of these improvements, the interest rates will eliminate any return that you might gain, talk to your banker about a short-term loan, much better rates.