How to Transfer Ownership of Family Home at the Death of a Parent.

The simplest way to transfer ownership of a family home on the death of a surviving parent is to sign a legal agreement that places a family member, or members as co-owners of the property prior to the actual death. In order for this to work in the interests of all of the family members there has to be some preparation work done by ALL family members. There has to be an agreement among the family members that this arrangement is agreed to by everyone.
If this arrangement can be made there is no need for a probate and the land can be sold by the family members agreed to previously This same method can be used in relation to Bank accounts and other securities. Trusted members of the family or executors are named as co-signers on the bank accounts and the securities account. This little bit of planning can save the surviving family members of long probate timelines and probate expenses. A conversation with your lawyer, or your parents lawyer can save you time, money and stress when dealing with a parents death. It is worth checking out in your situation.